Second Lucid Dream:
Before drifting into sleep I gave my body a massage, releasing the day to rest and embrace another. I noticed the shoulder which got injured during the accident seemed to have the neck muscles swollen and thanked my body and these muscles for their protection and strength, and released the distress. It was okay to let go now. I felt a huge release. I laid in bed and began to breathe deeply, consciously, and tried to stay conscious through out, as I became more relaxed. I felt more relaxed, and felt myself sinking into a trance. I still can not stay conscious through out the whole process. At the deepest point of relaxation I black out.
I awake to feel my body vibrating energetically in a intense, but comfortable manner. It's an energy source pushing through my body, it's liberating. I am not my body I am energy. Here I realize I am dreaming I am in bed, just as when I fell asleep. This thought floats by, and then I am captivated by the experience of my body within a dream. I clearly see how am just energy. To be Awake in the awakened state, also brings an intense lucidity to the experience of self in a dream. 'To be awake in two dreamstates' arises. As I feel the body, I feel a very active healing going on. I can think 'heal shoulder' and a very active healing process is felt in the shoulder. Intense electricity. I see in clarity the thoughts binding the knot, and allow them to arise. When I do this, I feel a huge release, and the shoulder being filled with an energy that eminates strength. I turn my awareness to the rest of my body. It's being worked on, on many levels. I make sure to do my part by surrendering to the process, showing my gratitude, and allow the work to be done to do what needs to be undone. Liberating. This process is something I've begun in the waking state, but in the dream, with lucid awareness and working directly on the astral body, I see but thoughts, emotions, and energies. I don't have through work through a physical body perception. I run my awareness through my body like a scanner, and it picks up the thoughts, and emotions, and knots reserved there immediately. I work on each spot that has reservoirs, by putting my awareness on it and releasing control, and I watch them dissipate and sense greater liberation and higher circulation of energy as I continue to do so. I turn over my awareness to Josh, who has been drawing closer and closer to me as I went through the liberating process. His hip is attached to mine, and I feel him drawing energy from me. The word 'leech' arises. I put my awareness on where our hips are connected and I see that I do no service and allowing him to draw energy from me. I pull out a dagger and I stab the connection. I feel nothing but Josh flinches. I continue to stab, and slice the energetic bind, and Josh continues to jerk and whimper. I say to him, 'You must find your source within. I am not Source.' I feel release. He takes a deep breathe, rolls over, and I feel the separation. "You can only go within," keeps arising. I feel space, and liberty. I breathe. My shoulder is very actively healing now, with double or triple the intensity as before. I am doing my best to allow it to release, but the energy running through there is getting so intense I feel hesitation arise and I continue to drop resistance as best as I can. It's the intensity of this energy that wakes me up.
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing lucid dream. In this dream you are engaging in so much deep healing. It's an inspiration to hear you doing these sorts of things on YOUR SECOND lucid dream!!! You have so much profound work and fun ahead if you decide to continue with this lucid dream work.
I like that you were working on your physical and emotional systems simultaneously... you lucid multi-tasker, you!
I'm stoked on your experiences and am excited to hear more.
Thanks Jonah! It's interesting to me that although I know I am dreaming, the dream body is so magnificent and revealing, I do not even have the thought to look else where yet. Only until I Josh's presence came close did I look beyond the self. This is a reflection of how inward I am. Loving it!